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How To Use Smart Displays For Classrooms

Digital signage is often associated with a businesses’ marketing efforts, as a means to reach more customers than ever before. However, digital screens have a number of other useful applications, from tracking wait times in healthcare settings, to changing the way classrooms operate. While there’s no one-size-fits all when it comes to classroom display solutions, it’s evident that the advances in technology we are seeing when it comes to digital screens are having an unprecedented impact on how students learn. Here’s 10 ways you can adopt a smart display board in the classroom.

1. Keep it interactive

It’s been shown that visual learning helps students retain the information more effectively than any other method. With an interactive smart display, you can use a combination of images, videos, charts, maps, diagrams and more to get the content across to students in a format that they can easily retain.

Pop the text books to the side and bring up the critical content on the display screen for the class to go through together. Students will be more engaged in their learning and more likely to contribute to the class discussion. 

2. Add a pop of colour

Using a smartboard for the classroom also presents the opportunity to add a splash of colour into the learning environment. Warm colours such as red, orange and yellow have been recognised as the ideal colours to increase a student’s attention and encourage active participation in the classroom.

With the right technology on hand, teachers have the ability to play around with the use of colour to further engage students and enhance their learning environment. 

3. Save work as you go

One of the biggest benefits that comes with working with an interactive smart board is the ability to save the work as you go. This means you can save and print out any important notes to disperse amongst the students, so they have the ability to review the materials at a later date. It saves students from frantically trying to copy down everything as they go, allowing them the flexibility to participate in class discussion, with notes handed over at the end. 

Students can then review the studies in their own time, approaching the teacher with any questions they may have on the subject that came up after class time.

4. Learning from home

While it’s not something we ever expected, it’s true that learning from home is a real probability. Whether through illness and lockdowns, or simply changing teaching preferences, a smart board interactive whiteboard makes this process even easier.

A teacher can run a class on Zoom and work through a lesson with students using the board. They are then able to save it for students to review from home and work through any problems they encounter.

This also works for the flipped classroom, where students review lessons from home before coming into class with any problems to work on in person with the teacher. 

5. Create a Collaborative Environment

The addition of technology in the classroom often leads to more students sitting behind individual screens focused on their own activities. A smart display utilise technology in a collaborative manner, bringing students back to a community mindset. The displays create a common experience for everyone in the classroom to participate in.

Think about collaborative projects, presentations, brainstorming, mindfulness activities and more. The display will initiate a collaborative atmosphere, which students can take advantage of to enhance their learning.

How we can help

At Enplug, we are the experts in connecting educators with digital displays to enhance the overall classroom experience. We are experts when it comes to setting up the perfect TV displays for students to lead them to success.

We offer intuitive management, automated content, and seamless control for your dashboards, so teachers can navigate through screens while leading a class discussion and seamlessly take students from one area of learning to the next. Delivering clearer, more vibrant and effective management options so teachers can run lessons the way they choose, with all the technology they need at their fingertips.

Want to learn more about how our intelligent digital signage solutions can help you reach your education goals? Make contact with our highly skilled team today.