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Monitoring & Screenshots + More Graphics App Improvements

Following up on our Graphics App improvements, we’re launching some more features that our users have requested.

Monitoring page & screenshots: We’re really excited about this one — this is a simplified version of our advanced Monitoring system that’s available to Network level customers. All users can now click the Monitoring button on their Dashboard homepage to see whether their Enplug devices are online or offline. If the devices are online, users can take screenshots to see what’s on their screen at any moment.

Enplug Mini Monitoring

Copy display group: Users often want to use their current display group as a starting point, or template, for a new display group. This new feature lets users copy their current apps with all their content and settings, and then add displays within the new group. It’s especially useful for franchises or organizations that want similar content with small variations across their Enplug network.


We’ve also made several additional improvements to the Graphics App:

  • Bulk edit for graphics: Users can now select multiple graphics and make bulk edits such as selecting display groups, scheduling, or giving them priority on their screens.
  • Multiple scheduling blocks: Up till now, graphics could only be scheduled for one chunk of time. Now, you can add multiple time blocks – for example, 12pm-2pm, and 6pm-8pm.
  • Recurring graphics: Do you wish a certain graphic would show on your screen more often, but still want to play the others sometimes too? Use this feature to repeat a graphic in between every other graphic, every 5 graphics, etc.

Enplug Bulk Edit Graphics


Enplug digital signage software was co-founded by CEO Nanxi Liu and CTO Tina Denuit-Wojcik in 2012 to enable organizations to use customized real-time streaming content to create engaging external and internal communications.