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Digital Signage for Schools: 4 Examples of Enplug in Colleges

With technology ever more present in the classroom and on campus, digital signage is a must for the 21st century school. Schools, like any business or non-profit, are constantly looking for ways to improve campus communications and branding, and campus technology has become a highly effective tool in doing so. Enplug works with schools both large and small to get students and faculty more involved with their school, whether it’s through being more informed of what’s happening on campus, engaging with the school’s social media pages or connecting with colleagues. Here are 4 ways schools are using Enplug to enhance their campus communications and higher education marketing efforts.

1. USC: Campus Events

Adding Enplug displays can help make a commencement ceremony even more exciting and interactive for both graduates and guests, and that is exactly how the USC Sol Price School of Public Policy uses Enplug for its commencement ceremony held at the Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena. The Enplug displays acted as a digital program for the event, displaying graphics with commencement information, inspirational quotes, and photos of graduates and class rings. Using digital signage in this context is an attractive way to entertain guests with branded content in addition to cutting down on printing costs. USC Price’s Enplug screens also added a social element to the event – their jumbo displays featured Instagram photos and tweets mentioning @UCSPrice and #USCgrad in real-time, making it a commencement to remember. USC Price displayed a social media wall and commencement information during the ceremony The social media integration also allowed students and their family members in attendance to interact with each other – digitally, at least – before and after the ceremony, despite being physically separated from each other. Graduates posted photos and messages expressing their excitement, and family members showed photos of their graduates to offer them congrats. “The social media video wall was a huge success as graduates and their friends and families posted during the ceremony and saw that result instantaneously, significantly increasing the school’s reach and interaction with its audience both during and after the ceremony,” said Jonathan Schwartz, Digital Video Manager at USC Price. See: How USC Price Used Enplug for Commencement

2. Eastern Kentucky University: Higher Education Marketing Through Social Media

With many universities upping their presence on social media, Enplug has become even more advantageous for schools. However, current and prospective students may not feel compelled to follow and engage with their school’s Instagram or Twitter page (or even know where to find them). A social media wall on an Enplug-powered display can change that. Eastern Kentucky University, a school with an active social media presence, uses Enplug’s Social Media Wall app on displays in its Admissions lobby and at orientation events for that very purpose. Bethany Brashears, EKU’s Digital Recruitment Specialist who implemented the technology, saw a boost in followers and engagement on EKU’s social media pages (and also appreciates Enplug’s customer service): “Enplug is not only an innovative product idea that has increased relevant visitors to our social media sites, but it has an excellent support staff that have been helpful and quick to respond to the rare problems with Eastern Kentucky University’s account. I would recommend it to anyone.” eku-enplug EKU has seen a boost in social media engagement from using Enplug The social media wall has additionally been a fantastic higher education marketing and recruitment tool for the school. For one, the jump in followers and engagement helps the school gain valuable exposure without paid advertising. Also, seeing photos and tweets in the Admissions lobby of students sharing their experiences gives prospective students and their parents a much better glimpse of the school than a brochure or even a campus tour can, and gives the school a social media-savvy presence.

3. Fremont College: Connecting Multiple Campuses

Schools with multiple campuses in different locations have the advantage of enrolling more students and offering more classes. However, they face the challenge of keeping all campuses, students and faculty connected despite their physical distance. Fremont College, which has campuses in Los Angeles and Cerritos, has bridged these gaps with the help of Enplug’s technology. With its ability for displays in multiple locations to be controlled remotely, Enplug’s system has been the perfect solution – and both the students and staff love it. From Enplug’s online Dashboard, multiple users can control the content on different displays in various locations – a huge plus for multi-campus schools. Scheduling graphics containing important information to Fremont College’s network can be done instantly from one account. “Being able to quickly schedule out content to multiple displays is important for us, especially when we have announcements and events to share,” said Fremont College Chancellor Dr. Sabrina Kay. “The best part is Enplug has boosted student engagement and strengthened the connection between our two Fremont College campuses.” Fremont College digital signage Fremont College uses the Social Media Wall app to connect its campuses Plus, what’s a better way to connect campuses, students and staff than social media? Accordingly, Fremont College loves using the Social Media Wall app to build coherence and spread information both within and across its campuses. Their displays show Instagrams and tweets from students and faculty on either of the school’s campuses, allowing those on one campus to get a glimpse of what’s going on at the other campus. Fremont College also displays its official Twitter account for an easy way to disseminate news and announcements. “Students love posting tweets and Instagram photos onto the displays and seeing their classmates’ posts,” Dr. Kay added. “It provides our students with a stage to express themselves both in and out of school. It also gives our staff an opportunity to engage our students on a more personal level—seeing their hobbies, favorite foods, friends and family.” See: How Fremont College Uses a Social Media Wall to Connect Campuses

4. LA College of Music: Campus Communications

Schools are busy places, where seemingly every day there are deadlines and events students need to know about. Campus communications is key, and as Fremont College discovered, Enplug displays offer a streamlined way to manage it. With just a few clicks in the Enplug Dashboard, administrators can quickly inform students with the content they need to see, where they need to see it. The staff at the LA College of Music are also huge fans of this aspect of Enplug. Patricia Wayne, LACM’s Director of Marketing, praises Enplug’s effectiveness in getting information to reach as many students as possible while also keeping everyone connected: “We use the Enplug graphics feature to highlight upcoming clinics, special events for students and important information like tuition and registration deadlines. It really helps everyone stay connected and gives me a way to post information rapidly on 2 screens in our 2 buildings where I know students will see it.” school digital signage LA College of Music enjoys Enplug’s ability to rapidly convey information to students The more students are aware of school events, the more likely they are to attend those events. And the more students are aware of upcoming deadlines, the more likely they are to stick to them. Enplug screens can be used all over campus to improve communications and marketing, from admissions offices to libraries and dining halls. Interested in learning more about using Enplug’s digital signage software in your college or university? Request more info today. *** Enplug digital signage software was co-founded by CEO Nanxi Liu and CTO Tina Denuit-Wojcik in 2012 to enable organizations to use customized real-time streaming content to create engaging external and internal communications.