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Boost Employee Engagement With Break Room Digital Signage

Employee break room communications rooms can boost productivity, enhance corporate culture and promote safety. Try these 5 easy ideas to get started.

Employee break rooms are essential to your employee experience. Are you making the most of them?   

Your company break room is a place for employees to recharge, but it can – and should – be much more. Great employee lounges drive success in both corporate offices and non-desk employee workplaces like hospitals, warehouses and supermarkets. With the right approach, employee break rooms boost productivity, enhance corporate culture and promote safety. 

Ideas for Employee Break Room Communications

Thankfully, there are many tools that can help you build a great experience for your staff.  Modern employee break room communication is far more dynamic and engaging than the flyers and bulletin boards of the past. Break room digital signage enables you to share content that’s always up-to-date and captures employee attention in the workplace. 

So, if you’re looking to improve breakroom communications for a better employee experience, try these ideas to get started:

1. Recognize the contribution your employees make to the company

Recognizing the accomplishments of your workers boosts morale and reduces absenteeism. Yet, only 22% of non-desk workforce employees feel their job is important to the company and its vision.

Improving this number can be as simple as sharing a thank you message or celebrating a work anniversary. And in high pressure staff environments like healthcare facilities during COVID-19 or fulfillment centers and manufacturing plants in high-volume seasons, thanking employees for their work can prevent burnout.

2. Reinforce safety training & share important alerts.

Preventing accidents requires ongoing communication in a format that gets noticed. Yet, there is so much clutter on email and internal messaging systems that important announcements often remain unread by staff. Similarly, static OSHA notices can fade into the background of daily routine for shift workers.

With break room TV screens, you can share dynamic content that reinforces best practices and safety rules to a captive audience. Grab attention with a full playlist of images and videos, so employees see something new every time they’re on break. 

Enplug’s safety content library and templates let you share compliance information with images and text that change automatically in your warehouse break room. You can also override default content with high-priority alerts from a Common Alert Protocol (CAP) system to keep your workers aware of emergencies.

3. Promote workplace wellness

Workplace wellness programs are an important way to reduce both absenteeism and turnover. Help your employees make healthier lifestyle choices with fitness and nutrition tips that are updated daily in the Enplug Daily Health Tips App. With our COVID-19 App you can instantly share important public health information and hygiene reminders that will protect your workforce.

4. Communicate corporate initiatives

Employees often receive information through a variety of trickle-down sources. In fact, your corporate message could pass from the C-suite to a regional director to a shift supervisor and more before it ever reaches an individual employee. Cut the game of telephone by displaying corporate initiatives and messaging instantly to break room TV screens across the country.

Whether it’s your CEO’s vision or a charity initiative, digital media is proven to improve awareness and participation in corporate initiatives. With digital signage you can even lock down certain parts of a sign so they can’t be changed, while giving managers the ability to include location-specific information.

5. Show entertainment content

You want your employees to work hard when they are on the job, and the best way to improve productivity is to ensure they have a moment to relax. Use the Enplug Video and YouTube Apps to share fun videos or the Social Media Collage App to display pre-approved memes and visuals. With the Webpage App you even have the ability to show any website that’s relevant and entertaining.

For a free demo of how Enplug can work for employee break room communications for your organization, go to www.enplug.com/request-info