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How Digital Picture Frames Add Personality to Your Space

Digital picture and photo frames are a beautiful and modern alternative to physically-printed art. Hanging a painting on your wall will never go out of style, but sometimes, you want to display an image with backlight, so the colors and subject stand out. Digital frames are dynamic, too: you can change images once you are tired of a particular one, and you can even set the frame to rotate between multiple pictures. 

People use digital picture frames in numerous spaces, such as the home and offices. Here are a few places smart picture frames would be a welcome way to decorate your life: 

Decorating Your Home

You’ve probably been to someone else’s house and noticed that they had a small-scale digital frame on their mantelpiece or shelf that displayed a looping set of family photos. Such frames are clever because they don’t take up too much space but enable residents and guests to enjoy multiple images in a slideshow style. 

It’s possible to go bigger, though. Digital picture frames can come in a broad range of sizes, including those large enough to rival full-size canvases. Some are designed in such a way that they are indiscernible from framed photos or paintings, such as this DIY canvas made of pixels

Digital picture frames let you experiment with different looks to update your space.

Do you want to show off your family photos, or would a work of art complete a room better? Smart picture frames let you have both without making a long-term commitment, which is perfect if not everyone in your household can agree. Technology allows you to experiment with what designs, patterns, and images work best — and once you’re tired of one, it’s easy to change the image without replacing the frame itself. 

Adding Personality to Your Office

Digital picture frames are perfect for decorating office spaces. Everyone deserves a work environment they are comfortable in, and art is a critical component of creating a relaxing yet productive atmosphere that showcases your company’s creativity.

However, many of us have worked in offices that had a questionable design. It’s possible that you and your team couldn’t agree on a particular artwork, or that new executives had specific requests. Large digital picture frames provide a solution: because they are easily customizable, or can cycle through a set of images, everyone in the office has an opportunity to see the art that they want to see (whether it’s in a private office or common area). 

Digital picture frames don’t have to be made specifically for this purpose. You can use existing TV or digital signage screens to display art and photography throughout the day, and you can adjust the screen to display important company notices and updates when you need to communicate with your employees and coworkers. 

Depending on the software you use, it’s also possible to display any live HTML content to the screens in your office. Examples include live polling and games for employees and guests. Do you operate a first-come, first-served business? Then your TV screens can show art for one minute and the waitlist the next. 

Adorning Other Spaces

Think of all the places you see art outside of museums, homes, and offices. Lobbies and hallways of hotels, clinics, hospitals, courts, banks, religious institutions, classrooms, libraries, restaurants, and countless other spaces rely on art for atmosphere, credibility, and other psychological aspects of interior design. 

Art is more important to daily life than we realize — how would you feel if all the art and photography in the spaces you spend time in were removed? You’d likely feel disconcerted at the lack of beauty, and life would be a little emptier. 

Small and large digital picture frames allow you to display any kind of two-dimensional art you want, including famous paintings. Having customizable, vibrant images on walls ensures that a room is never dull. 

Easy and Free Picture Frame TV

Unfortunately, though consumer-grade smart frames can bring art into homes and other spaces, they are often expensive, and proper installation requires in-wall electrical work. This process isn’t convenient for anyone, and it makes relocating screens much more difficult. 

In order to turn a tv into a picture frame you can use Enplug’s free Art App. It allows you to display art with the screens you already have. There’s nothing to purchase and nothing to install — but you have access to a digital gallery of curated artworks from museums, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, LACMA, and the Rijksmuseum (as well as selections from partnered private galleries). Art is important for livening up your life, and digital picture frames broaden the range of images you have access to.