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How are Donor Walls Transforming?

Digital technology has changed the way information is shared, consumed and digested and digital donor recognition displays are no exception. With donors playing such a vital role in the success of many organisations, from not-for-profits through to schools and hospitals, technology is the perfect way to recognise their contribution, and digital donor walls are paving the way forward.

Creative donor walls offer the perfect boost to fundraising campaigns through their ability to share achievements in real time and highlight both individuals and organisations that have contributed to the success. A visual display of this vital information enables the incorporation of logos, photos, that highlight where contributions have come from, alongside informative videos sharing where the funds have been sent and what they have achieved. These donor recognition walls are set to change our fundraising future.

What Are The Benefits Of Having Digital Donor Wall

Wondering how to increase donations? Raising vital funds for charities to enable them to carry out their work and help those in need is a tiresome effort, yet one that is fundamental to their cause. Digital donor walls are taking the pressure off charities and non-profit organisations, by giving them the tools they need to share their cause and celebrate all those who have contributed. The raising of funds to support vital efforts is becoming a much more seamless process.

Increase Awareness

Wondering how to increase brand awareness? The purpose of fundraising is to raise vital money to help support a charity, or non-profits, cause. From helping sick children in hospital to keeping people off the streets, there are a number of noble organisations out there, doing their part. A digital donor wall offers the potential to reach even more potential donors and increase awareness for their particular cause. Enplug is proud to have worked with a number of organisations including the Olivia Newton John & Lighthouse Foundations on fundraising events.


Gone are days of being stopped on the street when you’re in a rush and having a piece of paper shoved in your face as you pass by. Instead, outdoor donor walls allow organisations to share their cause - along with those who have contributed - without overstepping personal boundaries.

Using such a vision medium has a much more direct impact than traditional paper advertising. Images of malnourished or sick children, or seeing people sleep on the street, is more likely to inspire action than a pamphlet thrown at you as you walk.


Donor walls are also extremely effective in indoor settings. Pop one in your organisation’s waiting room so give visitors an in depth insight into the work you do and those who have helped you reach your goals. It’s perfect for both donor acquisition and retention.

This not only increases awareness for the cause, but the ability to share videos, social media feeds, photos and more has a much bigger empathetic impact than traditional boards. It’s an opportunity to show exactly what the problem is, and how a charity is helping. 

Attract Donations

A vital role of the donor recognition wall is to attract more donations. Acknowledging current donors openly and publicly on these donor screens is the perfect prompt to encourage others - both individuals and organisations - to step up and do their part.

A singular, well-placed donor wall can be seen by hundreds of people each and every day. On-the-spot donations can be made with digital kiosks, where donors can use credit card processing or pledge forms that can be filled out instantly or a link can be emailed


It’s no secret that we live in a very fast-paced society, which is one of the benefits digital technology has over its traditional counterparts. Digital donor recognition displays can be updated in real-time, no matter where you are. If a big donation comes in, they can be recognised immediately on the donor wall, offering instant gratification for every contribution.

This, in turn, inspires others to follow suit and support a good cause.


The options are endless when it comes to setting up your donor wall signage and choosing a look and feel that suits your cause. Yet, that’s what’s so great about it. Creative donor walls have the potential to reach an even wider audience and thanks to the ease of use of this technology, you have the ability to update and change your look and layout as much as you want. You can make your creative donor recognition walls as simple, or as complex as you like. 

Cost Effective

Donor walls are also an extremely cost-effective solution for charities and non-profit organisations. All it takes is the initial outlay on the screens and technology, to be rewarded with cheap advertising for years to come.

By leaving traditional advertising in the past, these orgnisations are able to save on the costs of printing and distributing their materials. Instead, marketing efforts can be focused and targeted to attract new donations each and every day.

Want to learn more about our range of futuristic display hardware?

Ready to start raising vital funds for your worthy cause? Whether you’re looking to raise awareness or on the hunt for donor retention strategies, we’re your team! At Enplug, we are the experts in utilising digital signage software to bring about your fundraising messages in the most creative way possible. We can help you set up the perfect donor wall displays to showcase your cause to bring in the donations.

From LED signage and touch screen kiosks to landscape TV displays and video walls, we have the solution to fit your business needs.

Want to learn more about how our donor wall solutions can help you reach your creative marketing goals? Make contact with our highly skilled team today.